Have you ever felt alone in your journey through motherhood?


I’m Glad You’re Here…

Every time I hang out with one of my mom friends, it becomes apparent: the isolation, the guilt, the shame, the self-sacrifice along with all the joy-- it’s a universal part of the experience of motherhood.  

We crave community to get through the days but can’t express our honest thoughts and feelings for fear of judgment.  We need help, but can’t ask (and when we do, we’re hit with an encouraging but unhelpful “You’ve got this, mama!”).  We survive through each tantrum and sleepless night as parents but feel all the guilt and anxiety that we’re missing out on truly enjoying the precious moments our little ones gift to us daily.

Sound familiar? 

Most of us have some work to do on prioritizing our mental health, unlearning negative thought and behavior patterns, and enjoying the present with our growing families.  In truth, I’m beginning to write this blog because my new therapist was kind enough to tell it to me like it is:  I need to preserve my sense of self as I navigate being a new mom, if I have any intent to be a happy person.  

So, for those of us in this camp, I’d like to share with you pieces of my life and love which is motherhood.  This is about presenting my thoughts, feelings, and experiences uncensored as I embark on a personal journal to become the best mom / wife / friend / human I can possibly be.  And, hopefully, something will resonate with another mom in a way that is helpful.  Welcome to our corner!

